A downloadable game for Windows

W, A,S and D - Moviment player;
SPACE - jump;
keep the LEFT MOUSE BUTTON pressed to increase launch force;
reliase LEAFT MOUSE BUTTON to launch ball;

P  or ESCAPE - pause game(this version don't have pause screen menu); 

R - restart state.

Launch ball on target, the ball bounces on the floor and walls, use that in your favor.

This project developed by André Prado, in Unity 2018.4.23f1 and using Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 community.

This project was developed for academic work to games physics application class, on the evaluation of professor Rossana Queiroz.

educational institution Unisinos Campus POA.


Physics_Balls_by_Andre_Prado.zip 54 MB

Install instructions

Don't need instalation, just extract files and run Physics_balls_by_AndreLLPrado.

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